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Full Color Holy Family Garden Nativity Set 27 inch Scale 39530
SKU: 79923
from the Joseph Studio Christmas Collection
Stunning 3 piece Holy Family Garden Set has incredible detail and the look of the best religious statuary at a great price.
Soft beautiful color finish on resin and stone mix statues measuring from 6.25 inches, (Infant Jesus) to 27.5 inches, (St Joseph).
Designed for indoor or outdoor use they are the perfect choice for homes, churches, schools, businesses, or shopping centers.
Boxed with styrofoam inserts.
Manf Production No. 39530
Stunning 3 piece Holy Family Garden Set has incredible detail and the look of the best religious statuary at a great price.
Soft beautiful color finish on resin and stone mix statues measuring from 6.25 inches, (Infant Jesus) to 27.5 inches, (St Joseph).
Designed for indoor or outdoor use they are the perfect choice for homes, churches, schools, businesses, or shopping centers.
Boxed with styrofoam inserts.
Manf Production No. 39530
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