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27 inch Scale White Praising Wise Man Figure 21755
SKU: 11836
Beautiful detail in elegant creamy white finish cast in a resin and stone mix.
Praising Wise Man figure measures 26.5 inches high, sized for a 27 inch scale nativity.
From the Joseph Studio Christmas Collection.
Designed for indoor or outdoor or indoor use - this is the perfect choice for home, churches, schools, businesses, or shopping centers.
Boxed with styrofoam inserts.
Manf Production No. 21755
Praising Wise Man figure measures 26.5 inches high, sized for a 27 inch scale nativity.
From the Joseph Studio Christmas Collection.
Designed for indoor or outdoor or indoor use - this is the perfect choice for home, churches, schools, businesses, or shopping centers.
Boxed with styrofoam inserts.
Manf Production No. 21755
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